Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I've been having sleepless nights.

before i crawl up to bed, i would watch the ultimate Japanese Game Show-Don't Laugh for a Gazillion times with a gigantic tupperware in my arms (thanks to kak yatie for providing the useful tupperware, lol).
inside it would be pistachio nuts from syria that i bought a few weeks ago.
you can be crazy over it too okay.. ;)

Nuts can make you go nuts X)
Back to the Japanese Game Show. I've watched several JGSs including the pranks.
What can I say, Japanese can seriously be mean in tricking innocent folks.
But oh-ho I have to admit that the shows were incredibly hilarious!
Teehee, my jaw hurts due to the non-stop laughing syndrome.

Salute people.
All the best to those who are sitting for their examinations.p/s: oh i'm so happy badgley is dating lively, lol.